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Call for Nominations to CEHS Board Positions

The Central European History Society (CEHS) solicits nominations (including self-nominations) for two members on its executive board: one (1) vice president-elect and one (1) at-large member. Nominees should be affiliated with an accredited North American institution of higher education.

The vice president-elect will serve four years, 2024-2028, namely one year each as vice president-elect, vice president, president and past president (in that order). The at-large member will serve for three years, 2024-2027.

During each year of their respective terms, the members of the executive board are expected to attend the Society’s business meetings held during the annual meeting of the American Historical Association (AHA) in January. In between these statutory meetings, the affairs of the executive board are conducted via email and, as necessary, videoconference.

Please e-mail nominations, including self-nominations, by October 18, 2023 to the Society’s Executive Director Anthony J. Steinhoff at The current executive board, functioning as the nominating committee, will take all nominations into consideration as it develops the final slate of candidates for each position.

Questions regarding either position may be directed to the Society’s President, Brian Vick ( or Anthony J. Steinhoff.