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Submissions to Central European History

Authors who seek to submit a manuscript for publication in Central European History should review the author instructions on the Cambridge University Press website (the journal’s publisher). In addition to indicating the types of scholarly writing that CEH publishes, these instructions also provide specific guidlines for preparing manuscripts and then submitting them using Cambridge University Press’ ScholarOne system. Note that all manuscripts must be submitted via ScholarOne; manuscripts sent by email or by the post will not be considered.

All accepted manuscripts will be edited to conform with The Chicago Manual of Style in matters of punctuation, capitalization, and format. Final decisions on style remain with the editors.

Correspondence for the co-editors should be sent to:

  • Ben Marschke, Professor of History, Cal Poly Humboldt University ( and/or
  • Jared Poley, Professor of History, Georgia State University (

Books for Review

Queries regarding book reviews, including arrangements for providing review copies, should be directed to the journal’s associate editors, namely:

  • Eli Rubin, Professor of History, Western Michigan University (, especially for books with a temporal focus 1933-present)
  • Michael Sauter, Professor of History, University of Suffolk (, especially for books with a temporal focus before 1933)