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American Historical Association (AHA) Conference

Panel Sponsorship

As an affiliated society of the AHA, CEHS traditionally sponsors a variety of panels on German, Habsburg, and Central European History at the AHA’s annual meeting, where CEHS also holds its statutory business meeting. CEHS both sponsors panels outright and co-sponsors sessions at the AHA meeting.

Co-sponsorship is for those panels that have been accepted by the AHA’s Program Committee. Normally, the AHA informs CEHS of accepted panels that seem good candidates for co-sponsorshp. As appropriate, CEHS will contact the organizers of those panels about co-sponsorship. Organizers of accepted sessions may also contact the CEHS directly about co-sponsorship (see below).

Solo-sponsorship is for panels that have not been placed on the official program by the AHA, but which CEHS feels are of a level of scholarly interest and quality to merit a place on the program as a “solo-sponsored” panel. In addition, it is possible to request solo-sponsorship for a complete session that was not proposed to the AHA’s Program Committee. In these cases, panel organizers may apply to CEHS for solo-sponsorship; submissions will be evaluated by the CEHS’s Executive Board. All panels submitted for sponsorship must respect the AHA’s guidelines for panel composition; it also expected that they demonstrate gender diversity.

Submissions for solo-sponsorship and requests for co-sponsorship at the 2024 AHA Meeting in San Francisco are due by May 25, 2023. Please email all of your conference proposal materials (session abstract, etc.) to Anthony Steinhoff, CEHS’s Executive Director.

Initiative to Support Junior Scholars at the AHA Annual Meeting

Starting in the fall of 2022, CEHS is running an initiative to assist junior scholars’ participation in the AHA/CEHS annual meeting by offering financial and organizational support for up to 2 panel sessions (where junior scholars are the presenters). The first set of supported sessions will take place at the 2024 meeting in Philadelphia. For further information on the initiative and details on the application process, click here.


CEHS traditionally hosts an open reception for members of the field and their guests. The reception typically takes place after the annual meeting of CEHS during the AHA conference.